Rasinile de inglobare la cald sunt extrem de dure, rezistente la acizi si contractie redusa. Reduc condensatia si garanteaza margini curate pentru lustruire. Rasinile de inglobare la cald sunt disponibile sub forma de pulbere si sunt impartite in doua categorii:
- Termorezistente (fenolice sau alilice)
- Termoplastice (acrilice sau epoxidice)
Type | Colour | Use | Size | Code |
Phenolic | Black | Standard Examination of all Materials | 2.5kg | 600800 |
Phenolic | Black | Standard Examination of all Materials | 12.5kg | 600177 |
Phenolic | Green | Standard Examination of all Materials | 2.5kg | 600801 |
Phenolic | Green | Standard Examination of all Materials | 10kg | 600802 |
Phenolic | Red | Standard Examination of all Materials | 2.5kg | 600803 |
Phenolic | Red | Standard Examination of all Materials | 10kg | 600804 |
Phenolic | Brown | Standard Examination of all Materials | 2.5kg | 600805 |
Phenolic | White | Standard Examination of all Materials | 2.5kg | 600806 |
Phenolic with glass fibre | Black | Standard Examination of all Materials | 2.5kg | 600807 |
Allylic with glass fibre | Blue | Examination of Edges | 2.5kg | 600813 |
Conductive Acrylic Copper | - | Examination of etched materials | 2.5kg | 600809 |
Acrylic | Transparent | Standard Examination of all Materials | 2.5kg | 600810 |
Epoxy | Black | Examination of Edges | 2.5kg | 600811 |
Epoxy | Black | Examination of Edges | 10kg | 600812 |
Silicon Mould Release Spray | - | - | 500ml | 600157 |
Phenolic Carbon Conductive Resin | Black | Electrically Conductive for SEM Examination | 1kg | 600176 |
Melamine Hot Mounting Resin | Cream | Standard Examination of all Materials | 1kg | 600751 |
7.5kg | 600752 |